A Guide to Our Container Sizes

If you’re looking to purchase a tree, it’s important to choose a container size that will fit your needs.
Here’s helpful information about our container sizes for trees at various stages of growth:

*Please note that the exact size and height of a given tree will depend on its species and growth rate.

Pin Oak 400mm Pot
400mm Pot

These trees, usually between 1.5m and 2.6m tall, are 2 years old and have already had their first pruning and staking.

They are easy enough for one person to handle and plant, though they may require additional staking.

Ornamental Pear 'Manchurian' 45L Bag
45L Bag

These 2 year-old trees, typically between 2.4m and 2.7m, have been well pruned and staked.

One person can handle and plant them, though additional support may be needed.

Maple 'October Glory' 75L Bag
75L Bag

At 2-3 years old, these trees, between 2.8m and 3.0m, have been pruned and staked.

They may require extra handling for planting.

Maple 'Sensation' 100L Bag
100L Bag

Mature 4 year-old trees, typically 3.0m to 3.5m, have been well pruned and usually need less structural support.

They need extra handling to plant.

Ornamental Snow Pear
Root Control Bag (only available in winter)

This 100L equivalent size contains 4 year-old trees, normally between 2.5m and 3.3m, which have been well pruned and require less support.

Planting will still require extra handling.

Ornamental Pear 'Manchurian' 45L Bag
150L Bag

4-5 year-old trees in this size bag, at least 4.0m tall, have been pruned and well established.

They will need extra handling when being planted.

More information

Contact us to arrange a quote our check out our website for stock availability.

Our friendly team is always ready to provide professional advice on selecting and growing trees.